Refreshing a Pivot Table on a Protected Sheet

In Excel 2003, if you protect a worksheet, you’ll see a list of options, with specific items that can be allowed.

You can add a checkmark to “Use PivotTable reports”, so that people will be able to use the existing pivot tables on the worksheet.

protect worksheet settings

However, once the sheet is protected, you can’t create a new pivot table. Also, you won’t be able to refresh a pivot table on the worksheet, because that feature is disabled on a protected sheet. On the PivotTable toolbar, you can see that the Refresh button, and other features, are disabled.

pivot table toolbar with buttons disabled

Refresh the Pivot Table on a Protected Sheet

To refresh the pivot table on a protected worksheet,

  • temporarily unprotect the worksheet,
  • refresh the pivot table,
  • protect the sheet.

You can do this manually, or record a macro, then run that macro to refresh the pivot table.

More Protection Tips

There are more pivot table protection tips on my Contextures website.



10 thoughts on “Refreshing a Pivot Table on a Protected Sheet”

  1. Typically one wants to enable clients to enter data in specific areas and then be able to evaluate the results, through refresh. Is there absolutely no way around this without using VBA?

  2. Thx. The option I was looking for to have pivot table and data entry in the same sheet. That is not possible so perhaps I should use ‘view’ “new window” to allow for data entry and evaluation of results at the same time. giel

  3. I am using a macro to refresh a Pivot Table and I am getting an error. It stops running at this point
    ” ActiveSheet.PivotTables(“PivotTable5″).RefreshTable”

    I am working with Excel 2010

    1. @Saswati, your pivot table probably has a name other than “PivotTable5”

      If there is only one pivot table on the sheet, change the code to use the index number, instead of the name:

    1. @Saswati, was the code in the same file, for the same worksheet? It should work fine in Excel 2007 too, but try using the index number, instead of the pivot table name, in the code.

  4. @Deb
    Still giving the same error at the same place, here is the whole code

    Sub RefreashCSQF()

    ‘ RefreashCSQF Macro
    ‘ refreash Qualified Change Sheet pivot table

    Application.Goto Reference:=”hyperlink”
    Selection.Hyperlinks(1).Follow NewWindow:=False, AddHistory:=True
    Application.Goto Reference:=”Date”
    Application.Goto Reference:=”Date”
    Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:= _
    False, Transpose:=False
    Application.Goto Reference:=”CSQF”
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    Windows(“Account Summary.XLS”).Activate
    End Sub

  5. Hi,

    I’m using the below mentioned macro to refresh all the pivot tables in a worksheet. The macro is running successfully in unprotected sheet, but I need to run it in protected sheet by using a shortcut key. Please suggest

    Sub AllWorksheetPivots()

    Dim pt As PivotTable

    For Each pt In ActiveSheet.PivotTables


    Next pt

    End Sub

  6. Ms. Debra;
    You are the Pivot Table Queen!!!!!!, great material, I love your work and kindness that you put in each answer of yours.
    Just used this code for refresing my PT
    Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
    Dim pt As PivotTable

    Me.Protect Password:=”Secret”, UserInterfaceOnly:=True

    For Each pt In Me.PivotTables
    Next pt
    End Sub
    It refreshed my PT succesfully, but I cannot use the expand and collapse buttons, anylonger; any assistance to fix this will be appriacated.

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