Show Percent of Group Total – Excel Pivot Table

Show Percent of Pivot Group Total

In an Excel pivot table, you can use Excel’s built-in custom calculations, for a different view of the data.

For example, in the video below, I set up a pivot table to show what % of a company’s  monthly sales were Binders. Also, what %  of Binder sales was for each colour – red, blue, and black.

Note: You can get the sample Excel file that I used for this video on the Pivot Table Show Values As page, on my Contextures site.

Binder Sales – % By Colour

In the screen shot below, the pivot table has 4 fields in the worksheet layout:

  • Item and Colour in the Row area
  • Month in the Column area
  • Sum of Units sold, in the Values area
pivot table with monthly sales per product colour
pivot table with monthly sales per product colour

Following the steps listed in the section below, I used pivot table custom calculations, to show additional sales details:

  • the % for each colour‘s sales – Black, Blue and Red
  • compared to the item‘s total sales
  • in each month – Jan and Feb

Show % of Item Sales

In the pivot table screen shot below, I’ve added a 2nd copy of the Units field to the values area.

  • Tip: To add a 2nd copy of a pivot field, drag it from the PivotTable Field list, onto the Values area in the field list

For the 2nd copy of the Units field, I followed the steps below, to change that field’s calculation settings

  • Right-click one of the Units value cells
  • In the pop-up menu, click Show Values As
  • In the next pop-up menu, click % of Parent Row Total

In the pivot table, the second Units field changed, to show:

  • the % for each colour‘s sales
  • compared to the item‘s total
  • in each month.

For example,

  • 195 Binders were sold in January
  • 51% (100 units) of those January Binders were Black colour
Show Percent of Subtotal in Excel Pivot Table
Show Percent of Subtotal in Excel Pivot Table

More Pivot Table Info

For more Pivot Table Subtotal tips, videos and examples, visit the following links:

Show Percent of Subtotal in Pivot Table

Pivot Table Show Values As % of Parent Total

Show Percent Of Subtotal In Pivot Table


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