Turn Off GetPivotData Formulas for PivotTables

In Excel 2002, and later versions, when you type an equal sign, then click on a data (number) cell in a pivot table, you may see a GETPIVOTDATA formula, instead of a cell reference.

GetPivotData formula

In this short video, learn how to turn this feature off.

For written instructions, please see Turn Off GetPivotData Formulas for Excel Pivot Tables.



Changing the Default PivotTable Style in Excel 2007

When you create a pivot table in Excel 2007 or 2010, a PivotTable Style is automatically applied.

pivot table style

If you prefer a different PivotTable Style, you can change the default PivotTable Style in a workbook, to save time when you create new pivot tables.

Follow these steps to change the default PivotTable Style:

  1. Select a cell in the pivot table.
  2. On the Ribbon, under the PivotTable Tools tab, click the Design tab.
  3. In the PivotTable Style gallery, right-click on the style that you want to set as the default.
  4. In the context menu, click on Set As Default.

set default pivot table style

For more information on pivot table styles, click here.
