Analyze Sales with Excel Pivot Table Running Total Percent

In Excel 2010 and later versions, you can use the % Running Total calculation, to show the current running total amount, divided by the grand total. This video shows how to analyze sales, from month to month, with the % Running Total In calculation in an Excel pivot table. Continue reading “Analyze Sales with Excel Pivot Table Running Total Percent”

Macro to Remove Pivot Table Calculated Fields

If you record a macro while you remove pivot table calculated fields, then try to run that macro later, you’ll get an error message. To solve that problem, use my macro to remove pivot table calculated fields. The code is shown below, and there’s also a sample file with the macro. To see all the steps, watch the short video.

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Change a Pivot Table Calculated Field Formula

Pivot tables are a great way to summarize a large amount of data, without complex formulas. But if you need to, you can create formulas within a pivot table, with calculated fields and calculated items. After you create one, here’s how to change a pivot table calculated field formula. Continue reading “Change a Pivot Table Calculated Field Formula”

Pivot Table Show Values As % of Parent Total

With a pivot table, it’s easy to show a total Sum or Count, or other quick summaries. You can also use the Show Values As options, to show each number compared to other items in the pivot table. There are several options, such as running total, % of Grand Total, and Difference From other amounts. In this example, we’ll show the units sold for each item, as a % of parent total (% of subtotal).

Continue reading “Pivot Table Show Values As % of Parent Total”